Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy outlined herein is applicable to and pertains to information provided and gathered from visitors to our website. It does not extend to data collected through other means or offline. has established this Privacy Policy to demonstrate our dedication to safeguarding privacy and to outline our practices concerning the collection, utilization, and disclosure of your personal information. There may be other websites associated with Unlimited Games that possess their own privacy policies. Should any such policies exist, they will govern your visits to those sites.


Additionally, the Terms and Conditions of use apply to your utilization of this website. Kindly review the Terms and Conditions to learn more about the proper use of this website.

By using this website, you consent to and accept the terms of our Privacy Policy.

How do we use your data

We collect information in a variety of ways including: * Maintain, operate and provide our website.
* Analyze and understand how you use the website.
* Improving, extending and personalizing our website.
* Create new features and functions for products, services and other items.
* Communicate directly with you or via one of our partners for purposes such as customer service, providing you with information and updates about the website and marketing and promotional activities.
* Sending you emails
* Fraud detection and prevention

Information Collection

At the time we request your personal information, the purpose for collecting it will be explicitly communicated to you. If you choose to get in touch with us directly, we might obtain further details about you, including your name, email address, phone number, the content of your message, any attachments you send, and other information you decide to share. Upon registering for an account, we might request your contact information, which could include your name, company name, address, email address, and phone number.

Log Files

Unlimited Games employs log files as a common practice. These files document website visitors, which is a routine procedure for all hosting companies as a component of their analytics. Log files gather data like IP addresses, browser types, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), date and time stamps, referring/exit pages, and possibly the number of clicks. This data is not linked to any personally identifiable information. It is utilized to examine trends, manage the website, monitor user activity on the site, and collect geographic information.

Cookie Policy

Similar to other websites, our websites employ 'cookies'. These cookies serve to store information about visitor preferences and the pages accessed or visited on the website. This information is utilized to enhance user experience by customizing our web page content according to the visitor's browser type and/or other details. Additionally, cookies help analyze the statistical traffic on our website. Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or mobile device's browser or hard drive when visiting a webpage or application. A 'session cookie' temporarily stores information that is removed when you close your web browser or shut down your computer or device. A 'persistent cookie' allows the site to recognize you when you return, and remains stored on your computer until you delete it. Cookies aim to ensure a seamless browsing experience on our site by recalling your preferences during subsequent visits. To comprehend the types of cookies we employ, the data collected, and how it is managed, it is essential to read this Policy in its entirety.

Cookies being used

We employ various types of cookies to enhance user experience on our website, such as:
• Google Analytics for statistical evaluation and website performance enhancement;
• Cookies for personalizing site content for users, like setting the default language.
You can either set up alerts for every instance of a website placing a cookie in your browser or opt to disable all cookies. Both can be achieved through your browser settings. As each browser follows a distinct process for managing cookies, refer to your browser's Help Menu to learn the proper method.
Some cookies are crucial for our websites to function seamlessly, while others improve website functionality, analyze aggregated usage statistics to boost website performance, and aid in advertising. Like many websites, we and/or our third-party providers use cookies to recognize you as you utilize or revisit the website. Our cookies are categorized into the following groups:
• Essential cookies: These cookies are necessary for enabling user navigation around our websites. They do not collect information that could be used for marketing purposes or record your internet activity. This category of cookies cannot be disabled.
• Functionality cookies: These cookies store information you've entered or choices you've made (e.g., language) on the websites, eliminating the need to set them again during your next visit.
• Analytics cookies: These cookies gather data about how visitors use our websites, enabling us to make improvements and report on our performance.
• Advertising cookies: Third-party advertising platforms or networks place these cookies to deliver ads and monitor ad performance. In some instances, these cookies allow advertising networks to display ads that may be relevant to you based on your activities on our websites and other websites (in such cases, ad serving might rely on automated decision-making).
• Google Analytics: Similar to most websites, our site employs Google Analytics (GA) to monitor user interactions. We utilize this data to ascertain the number of users visiting our site, gain a deeper understanding of how they discover and engage with our web pages, and track their journey through the website. Although Google Analytics gathers information such as your geographical location, device, internet browser, and operating system, none of this data personally identifies you to us. GA also logs your computer's IP address, which could potentially be used for personal identification, but Google does not grant us access to this information. We regard Google as a third-party data processor (see below). Google Analytics employs cookies, with details available on Google developer guides. For your information, our websites specifically utilize the analytics.js implementation of Google Analytics.
• Google Tag Manager: We continuously strive to enhance the customer experience on our website by providing visitors with more personalized and targeted campaigns and offerings. To achieve this, we use Google Tag Manager (GTM). GTM is a small code snippet that helps us track user behavior across our sites and then forwards the data to our Google Analytics account. The data is subsequently organized in a manner that allows us to analyze and review it for potential site improvements and remarketing campaigns.


Our Advertising Partners

Cookies and web beacons may also be used by some of our advertising partners. Below is a list of our advertising partners. Each advertiser has a Privacy Policy that outlines the policies they have on data. We have hyperlinked their Privacy Policies for easier access.

Google Ads

Advertising Partners Privacy Policies

This list contains the privacy policies of each of our advertising partner companies.

* Google Ads

Third-party advertising servers and ad networks use technologies such as cookies, JavaScript or Web Beacons in their advertisements or links that appear on the site. These are sent directly to the user's browser. When this happens, they automatically receive your IP. These technologies can be used to determine the effectiveness of advertising campaigns or to customize the content you see when you visit websites.

Please note that Unlimited Games does not have access to these cookies used by third parties or any control over them.

Third Party Privacy Policy

The Unlimited Games Privacy policy does not apply any other advertisers or websites. We recommend that you consult the Privacy Policies of each third-party advertising server for further information. This may include information about their practices or instructions on how to opt out of certain options.

How to change cookie preferences and block cookies

You can decide whether to accept or reject cookies within your browser. You can choose from different controls depending on the browser you use. In general, you will be able to choose whether or not to accept, reject or delete cookies, including those that are sent by website owners. Third party cookies or cookies from specific websites. You can find instructions for this on the official website of your web browser. Visit for more information about what cookies are already in your browser and how you can block them.

You can also disable all cookies using the Google Ads Opt Out Browser tool or the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page. You should be aware that disabling cookies can negatively affect some features of our website.

Collection of Data

Our site uses technologies of  third-party partners to help us recognize your device and understand how you use our site(s) so that we can improve our services to reflect your interests and serve you advertisements about the [products and/or services] that are likely to be of more interest to you. Specifically, these partners collect information about your activity on our site(s) to enable us to:

  • measure and analyze traffic and browsing activity on our site(s);
  • show advertisements for our products and/or services to you on third-party sites;
  • measure and analyze the performance of our advertising campaigns;


We may share data, such as hashed email derived from emails or other online identifiers collected on our site(s)  with our advertising partners. This allows our partners to recognize and deliver  you ads  across devices and browsers.   To read more about the technologies used by NextRoll and their cross device capabilities please refer to NextRoll’s Privacy Notice.


Our partners may use non-cookie technologies that may not be impacted by browser settings that block cookies. Your browser may not permit you to block such technologies. For this reason you can use the following third party tools to decline the collection and use of information for the purpose of serving you interest based advertising:

CCPA privacy rights

California consumers are entitled to the following rights under the CCPA:

Ask a company that collects consumer data to disclose what categories and pieces of data they have collected.

You can ask a company to delete all personal information about a consumer it has collected.

You can ask a company that sells the personal information of a consumer not to sell that data.

You have one month from the date of your request to receive a response. Please contact us if you wish to exercise these rights.

Data Protection Rights under GDPR

We want to ensure that you know all your rights in terms of data protection. Each user has the right to:

Right of access - you have the right request copies your personal information. You may be charged a small amount for this service.

Right to correction - You can ask us to correct any information that you think is incorrect. You can also ask us to complete any information that you think is incomplete.

Under certain conditions, you have the right of erasure.

Right to restrict processing: You can request us to restrict the processing of personal data under certain conditions.

Under certain conditions, you have the right not to consent to our processing your personal data.

The right to data portability: You can request us to transfer your data to another organization or to you directly, but only under certain conditions.

You have a month to make a request. Please contact us if you wish to exercise these rights.

Find out more about the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2018)